Monday, May 7, 2012

SPD Storefront

Sugar Pop Dreams is getting underway with a storefront at storenvy.

Most of the items in the shop right now are handmade jewelry, art work, and items from the Sugar Pop Dreamland Collection which is the place that inspired the Sugar Pop Dreams shop.  
I'll be branching out into t-shirts and other accessories featuring the myriad of Sugar Pop Dreamland characters like The Walrus King, the Panwallas, and various other cute and creepy creatures like Wuffets.

This blog and the tumblr site will also have all of the background information and photos of works in progress and events.

You'll also be able to find shop announcements and promos as well as product in action pics on youtube.  Now that you're all caught up, I'm going to get back to work on the t-shirt designs.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Product updates

I’ve got some jewelry boxes that I’ll be adding to the shop this weekend assuming that the glaze sets by then.  I’ve had them done, but I thought they could use a bit of tweeking.  (As in painted insides, finishing/glaze on the outside for durability.)
I always think about how the products are going to fare once they leave my hands and I tend to do extensive testing.  I made some rings and kept them for a year, handing them out to my sisters, some of whom would wear them for days on end for me and we’d see how well the fixative held up and if they became detached or whatever.  It’s the main reason why I don’t subscribe to using E6000.  I learned from another crafter in my local loli comm that it’s best used for things that aren’t going to be used often, but I notice on youtube, everyone’s like, “hey, put this on your jewelry.  It’s great!”  Well, not when you live in a place where it can get to be 100 degrees in the summer and humid.  So I opted for something stronger.  ^-^